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By making your initial donation for the book Electricichi and the new haelth conscious, you agree to the new haelth conscious pma private members association agreement. While your donation for the book is not tax deductible, it does get you lifetime member access to special members only content! There are no annual subscriptions or recurring payments and if you have any questions about this private members association, please let me know! It is simply a community of haelth minded people and i look very forward to you getting my lifes work of information in this book and i truly hope it helps you have better haelth, happiness and more energy! - richard chrisopher aka rich chi
the new haelth conscious pma private members agreement
in order to protect all members from any adverse interference or action brought on by local, county, state, or federal regulatory, administrative or licensing agencies, and to receive full benefits from participation in the new haelth conscious private member agreement, (hereafter referred to as pma or agreement) all members consent to the following:
i, ________________________________________ (here after referred to as member) agree that i am joining the new haelth conscious pma; a private member agreement protected under the constitution of the united states of america and the original constitution for these united states of america and the Ohio state constitution.
i agree and strive to contribute to the purpose of the new haelth conscious pma to fulfill the Yəhōwā given call to the founding members to take dominion over the land; air and water as divinely created for and commanded to in genesis 1:26-28. 26. furthermore Yəhōwā said, “let us make man in our image according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heaven, and over the beasts, and over all the earth, and over everything that creepeth and moveth on the earth. 27. thus Yəhōwā created the man in his image: in the image of Yəhōwā created he him; he created them male and female. 28. and Yəhōwā blessed them, and said to them, bring forth fruit, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heaven, and over every beast that moveth upon the earth.
we will fulfill the desire of our hearts as promised in psalms 37:4 and delight thyself in the lord, and he shall give thee thine heart’s desire. we will answer this call from Yəhōwā to inspire others to grow while growing ourselves and to live and work according to 2 corinthians 3:2 ye are our epistle, written in our hearts, which is understood and read of all men to have Yəhōwās word written in our hears; to be known and read by all (wo)men whom we serve. we answer this call to run our race according to 1 corinthians 9:24 knew ye not, that they which run in a race, run all, yet one receiveth the prize? so run that ye may obtain. we press on in our daily actions toward the goal as expressed in philippians 3:14. and follow hard toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of Yəhōwā in Yəhōšua. our belief is in hebrews 13:21 make you perfect in all good works, to do his will, working in you that which is pleasant in his sight through Yəhōšua , to whom be praise forever and ever amen. Yəhōwā has equipped us in every good work to fulfill this calling. we commit that in all our hands find to do, we will do it with all our might as commanded in ecclesiastes 9:10. all that thine hand shall find to do, do it with all thy power for there is neither work nor invention nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither though goest.
i agree to section 3 through 12 of the new haelth conscious pma articles of agreement as listed following.
section 3. the purpose of the new haelth conscious pma to fulfill the Yəhōwā given call to the founding member(s) to take dominion over the land; air and water as divinely created for and commanded to in genesis 1:26-28. 26. furthermore Yəhōwā said, “let us make man in our image according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heaven, and over the beasts, and over all the earth, and over everything that creepeth and moveth on the earth. 27. thus Yəhōwā created the man in his image: in the image of Yəhōwā created he him; he created them male and female. 28. and Yəhōwā blessed them, and said to them, bring forth fruit, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heaven, and over every beast that moveth upon the earth.
we will fulfill the desire of our hearts as promised in psalms 37:4 and delight thyself in the lord, and he shall give thee thine heart’s desire. we will answer this call from Yəhōwā to inspire others to grow while growing ourselves and to live and work according to 2 corinthians 3:2 ye are our epistle, written in our hearts, which is understood and read of all men to have Yəhōwās word written in our hears; to be known and read by all (wo)men whom we serve. we answer this call to run our race according to 1 corinthians 9:24 knew ye not, that they which run in a race, run all, yet one receiveth the prize? so run that ye may obtain. we press on in our daily actions toward the goal as expressed in philippians 3:14. and follow hard toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of Yəhōwā in Yəhōšua. our belief is in hebrews 13:21 make you perfect in all good works, to do his will, working in you that which is pleasant in his sight through Yəhōšua, to whom be praise forever and ever amen. Yəhōwā has equipped us in every good work to fulfill this calling. we commit that in all our hands find to do, we will do it with all our might as commanded in ecclesiastes 9:10. all that thine hand shall find to do, do it with all thy power for there is neither work nor invention nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither though goest. as per genesis 1 1. in the beginning Yəhōwā created the heaven and the earth. 2. and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upn the deep, and the spirit of Yəhōwā moved upon the waters. 3. then Yəhōwā said, “let there be light: and there was light.” and throughout the remainder of genesis 1 Yəhōwā creates the heavens, the earth, and all that walk, fly and swim as well as man and woman. Yəhōwā then through his words commanded man and woman to take dominion over the land, air and water. as Yəhōwā spoke creation into existence with his words so we the founders and trustees of the new haelth conscious pma speak and express with our words the creation of the new haelth conscious pma. that which one creates one controls.
section 4. this private members agreement of members hereby declares that our objective is to maintain, improve and protect our basic Yəhōwā given rights, constitutional guarantees and political freedom as well as nurture, support and strengthen our relation with Yəhōwā for every agreement member, american state national, breathing and living man or woman in esse of these united states of america and that our rights to form this private members agreement are granted among other things, by the creator and second, by the united states constitution, by the ohio constitution and by common law. this objective also pertains to all law-abiding people of other countries from around the world whose constitutional provisions and faith in Yəhōwā embrace similar rights, freedoms and beliefs as those in these united states of america.
Section 5. This private members agreement, stands on Article I: Bill of Rights of the Ohio Constitution last amended in November of 2022. We stand on Section 1. Inalienable rights. All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety. We Stand on Section 2. Right to alter, reform, or abolish government, and repeal special privileges. All Political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly. We stand on Section 3. Right to assemble. The people have the right to assemble together, in a peaceable manner, to consult for the common good; to instruct their Representatives; and to petition the General Assembly for the redress of grievances. We stand on Section 7. Rights of conscience; education; the necessity of religion and knowledge. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty Yəhōwā according to the dictates of their own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or maintain any form of worship, against his consent; We stand on Section 8. Writ of habeas corpus. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety require it. We stand on Section 11. Freedom of speech; of the press; of libels. Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of the right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech, or of the press. We stand on Section 14. Search warrants and general warrants. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and possessions, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person and things to be seized. We stand on Section 19. Eminent domain. Private property shall ever be held inviolate, but subservient to the public welfare. We stand on Section 20. Powers reserved to the people. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers, not herein delegated, remain with the people. We strongly stand on Section 21 Preservation of the freedom to choose haelth care and haelth care coverage. (A) No federal, state, or local law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer or haelth care provider to participate in a haelth care system. (B) No federal, state, or local law or rule shall prohibit the purchase or sale of haelth care or haelth insurance. (C) No federal, state, or local law or rule shall impose a penalty or fine for the sale or purchase of haelth care or haelth insurance. We stand on Article II Legislative Section 1. Powers; limitation of use. (B)(1) Restraint of trade or commerce being injurious to this state and its citizens, the power of the initiative shall not be used to pass an amendment to this constitution that would grant or create a monopoly, oligopoly, or cartel, specify or determine a tax rate, or confer a commercial interest, commercial right, or commercial license to any person, nonpublic entity, or group of persons or nonpublic entities, or any combination thereof, however organized, that is not then available to other similarly situated persons or nonpublic entities. We stand on Section 28. Retroactive laws. The General Assembly shall have no power to pass retroactive laws, or laws impairing the obligation of contracts; All in line with the constitution of these united States of America and the Constitution of The united States of America. Living Design PMA Members claim their constitutional rights to meet in the private, their freedom of religion, speech and press, our freedoms from searches and seizures and the right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects, to freely assemble together to counsel for the common good, to make known our opinions, and to have the right to privately contract with one another without interference from local, county, state, LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE or FEDERAL interference and to have the freedom to include any people into our Private Members Agreement.
section 6. we believe that the first amendment to the constitution: congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.; guarantees our members many rights including but not limited to the right to associate in private, the right to free speech, the right to free press, the right to assemble and the right to worship Yəhōwā, the right to share the gospel, the right to encourage one another with biblical love. the right to meet together according to matthew 18:20 for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am i in the midst of them. we believe this includes the right to gather for the lawful purpose of advising, helping, providing goods and services, and serving one another in our rights in any field of (wo)man or Yəhōwā interest, per the federal and state constitutions and common law as well as following Yəhōwā’s law. we believe and stand on the second amendment a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. we believe the 4thamendment of the constitution of the united states of america: the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.; secures our right of privacy and protection of our persons, houses, papers and effects against searches and seizures, we believe the enumeration of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by our members per amendment ix; the enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.; and we retain the right to privately contract per article i section 9. no bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. and section 10 of the constitution of the united states of america.; and section 10. no state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make an thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. we therefor stand on silver minted coin to contract with one another, which no government or state can impair.
section 6.1. we believe that each (wo)man is responsible for his or her own beliefs and that any information, products, services, sessions, coaching, assembly, meet-ups, or advice they receive it is up to them in their divine esse to discern the truth for their own peace of mind, due diligence and safety. each man and woman in their own capacity is responsible for any decisions made to receive, participate, ingest, apply or receive any goods or services from other members of the new haelth conscious pma and take full responsibility for such decisions. all members agree to remain in the private with other members and to never enlist outside litigation, civil courts, or other legal actions outside of the new haelth conscious pma.
section 6.2. we believe in the right to privately contract with one another as free men and women, creations of nature and natures’ Yəhōwā. we believe that according to the ohio constitution article 1 bill of rights section 21 and the federal constitution article i section 9 stating: the privilege of writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. no bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. defend, promote and protect this right to privately contract and create agreements with one another.
section 7. we declare our rights under the constitution of these united states to gather, worship, and operate our agreement in the private jurisdiction and domain, as guaranteed by the 1st congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. as guaranteed by the 2nd a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. as guaranteed by the 4th the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. as guaranteed by the 9th the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. as guaranteed by the 10th the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. we claim these unalienable rights given in these amendments of the united states constitution as well as to claim dominion over water, air and land as commanded by Yəhōwā in genesis 1:28. and Yəhōwā blessed them, and Yəhōwā said to them, bring forth fruit, and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heaven, and over every beast that moveth upon the earth. all agreement activities are limited to our private agreement members and are in the private domain only.
section 8. we establish this pma on the land that is generally considered to be Ohio state, an independent state of the nation style by these united states of america, without THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. CORPORATION. the pma is not part of, nor does it associate in any way with the state of OHIO a private for profit corporation, denoted with a dun and bradstreet number #034309166.
section 9. the founder(s) of the new haelth conscious private members agreement declare and believe that Yəhōwā’s holy word, the bible, is the ultimate law of the land and the ruling law of we the people and that the bible, Yəhōwā’s holy word is recognized as the supreme law of the land of all local, county, state, federal and LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL laws as recognized by the 97th congress joint resolution; public law 97-280 – october 4, 1982
section 10. the founder(s) of the new haelth conscious private members agreement declare the right to select a spokesperson from our members who we believe able to provide members with the highest quality support to maximize their freedoms, rights as living men and women, and services, and to overall improve the quality of each members, sovereign life and faith in Yəhōwā our father. our mission includes but is not limited to offering the following member benefits and services to our private members for a special donation agreed upon with the members.
1. Provide reading material on bioelectricity and energy within and around the body
2. provide sessions for measuring and optimizing bioelectricity and wellness of the body
3. provide training relating to spiritual; physical, emotional and mental growth and strength
4. provide holistic healing and wellness sessions
5. provide holistic non pharmaceutical supplements, products and sessions
a. including but not limited to balms, salves, infused oils, tinctures, colloidal silver, eggs, plants, honey, farm fresh products, and other various natural wholistic products
6. provide coaching and education on topics including but not limited to
a. holistic haelth, wellness and healing using optimal bioelectric energy within the body
b. wellness lifestyle skills and living
c. creating and/or providing holistic products and wellness programs
7. support the energy, bioelectricity, vibrations, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical haelth of those participating in the pma
8. provide training on various wellness techniques
9. platforms that products and services may be provided include but are not limited to
a. people to people sessions
b. online platforms including but not limited to
i. social media platforms
ii. video streaming platforms
iii. blogs and video blogging
iv. educational websites
v. live online sessions using various online sessions
c. books, magazines, e-books, pdfs
d. assemblies and meet-up groups
e. physical and online stores for various products and services
“congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the fee exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.: (1st amendment of the united states constitution)
section 11. we declare the freedom to assemble, teach, support, guide, counsel and coach in the private, exempt from any local, county, state, federal, LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL statutes, codes, regulations or rules.
section 12. it is expressly declared that this private members agreement, which is not a public corporation, profitable business partnership, company, estate, joint stock limited liability corporation, nor trust, nor any other form of publicly incorporated agreement, is hereby created as a separate, lawful, spiritual, private unincorporated entity. no local, state, county, federal or LOCAL, STATE, COUNTY OR FEDERAL regulating body, entity, committee, organization or other such group has any lawful jurisdiction over this private members agreement. any disputes will be handled and determined within the private members agreement by the founder(s) and their decision shall be deemed a final and settled matter.
1. i agree to keep details of the agreement, including any materials produced for me by the agreement, all intellectual property of the members, associate members or founder(s) of the agreement or other members details, private, and will not share with anyone outside the agreement without explicit written permission from the founder(s). i comprehend that any session i participate in, any reading or training materials, strategies, techniques i implement, and products i receive or ingest, any educational material i apply the results are not guaranteed. i comprehend that each peoples results will vary and that my results are a combination of my physical, mental and spiritual awareness and wellness. i comprehend that no results are guaranteed and that i am participating in holistic bioelectric sessions, trainings and supporting products and services. i comprehend that the new haelth conscious does not diagnose, treat, prescribe or participate in medical wellness or healing treatments and that no medical results, treatments or influence is involved. i comprehend that i am totally participating in a session of wellness techniques, trainings, education, sessions and support and no guaranteed outcome is promised or promoted.
a. i comprehend that any products or services or sessions i may receive as a member of this agreement are intended to improve or enhance a people’s natural state, to empower their own private life and to enhance their living in the private and agree to take final responsibility for any use of products, sessions or services. i comprehend and accept that i shall do my own due diligence and hold harmless any member or founder of the new haelth conscious pma and that any dispute shall be handled by the founder(s) with final decision for remedy made by the founder(s) and shall be accepted as a settled matter.
b. i comprehend that any training, life skill set training or coaching, that i am responsible for my own outcome. i hold harmless and take full responsibility for the participation in any training, practice, demonstrations, working or coaching. i take full responsibility for the outcome of participation with learning, coaching, demonstrations, practices and participation in learning and agree that i am responsible for my own due diligence, wellness, safety and results. i agree that i will not hold the new haelth conscious private member agreement or any of the pma members responsible or liable for any and all outcomes of my participation with the pma. each member is sovereign and responsible for their own results.
2. i agree to pay my members’ lifetime dues of $10.00 federal reserve note which includes specific online videos on bioelectricity or wellness.
3. i agree that further products and services offered with the members annual dues will be based on a negotiated donation that will be added in item 12 to this agreement and contract.
4. i comprehend that as a private member of the new haelth conscious private members agreement i am invoking my united states of America constitutional rights, specifically the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th and the above mentioned Ohio state constitutional rights and as such take full responsibility for my own behavior, such that my actions shall never constitute anything that can be determined to be of a “clear and present danger of a substantial evil.”
5. i comprehend that the bible is the guide to the articles of agreement for the new haelth conscious private ministerial agreement. that it is our divine calling in genesis 1:28 and Yəhōwā blessed them, and Yəhōwā said to them, bring forth fruit, and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heaven, and over every beast that moveth upon the earth. to take dominion of the land, air and water. and that it is our divine right as men and women to contract with and associate with one another as creations of nature and nature’s Yəhōwā.
6. i agree that any disputes i, or those under my members agreement and contract, have will be brought to the attention of the board and founder(s) in a timely manner so that it can be resolved by the board and founder(s) and that as a private member’s agreement, we are not subject to litigation nor do outside litigation, courts, attorneys, magistrates or other public servants from the public domain have any jurisdiction in our private domain and our private member’s agreement. i comprehend that all disputes will be handled in accordance with Yəhōwā’s holy word as described in matthew 18:20 for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am i in the midst of them. i comprehend the agreement is protected by the first and fourteenth amendments to the united states of america constitution and it is outside the jurisdiction and authority of the federal and state; FEDERAL AND STATE and local county or municipal agencies and authorities concerning any and all complaints or grievances against the agreement and any founder(s), members or other people associated with the agreement by designation of the founder(s). all rights of complaints or grievances shall be settled by the founder(s) or by their designee from the board of directors. founder(s) and board of directors’ decisions in any dispute shall be considered a matter of settled fact.
7. i also comprehend that if my actions are not consistent with the values of the organization, i may be asked or told to leave the organization and my members agreement would cease to exist. i comprehend i am to always maintain an attitude of high energy, positive and encouraging to other members. i comprehend that disparaging another member, disputing, and criticizing other members will be grounds to being banned from the pma and that no refunds of any previous donations will be given. i comprehend that i am to maintain this high energy, positive and encouraging attitude while on site, near the sessions, participating online and around all members, founder and co-founders. i agree and take full responsibility for my own participation, attendance, and involvement and all outcomes are my sovereign responsibility.
8. as free, living, breathing, creations in esse of Yəhōwā, we are being called to exercise our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, speech, religion, assembly and to contract with other men and women with the same principals and beliefs for the products and services provided by the new haelth conscious pma. i agree this is my responsibility to be aware of these Yəhōwā-given, Yəhōwā-nature created freedoms and to be versed in the protection afforded me by the united states founding documents and the bible, Yəhōwā’s holy word.
9. i comprehend that we are all connected and that our actions affect one another. we strive to encourage and support one another, as a family and community.
10. i comprehend that i or those who are included with me in this member’s agreement and contract are responsible for our own outcome from any use of products and sessions and results from any sessions, counsel, coaching, training, mentoring or other products or services provided, received, coached or given whether donation was exchanged for such products and services or such sessions. products, services, counsel and coaching was a gift are my (our) responsibility.
11. i comprehend that i or those included with me in this member’s agreement and contract are responsible to do our own due diligence before consuming, accepting, using or implementing any products or services received from the new haelth conscious private member’s agreement.
12. product or services being provided and donation to be contributed:
13. a copy of the new haelth conscious private member’s agreement articles of agreement has been offered to me and that i have accepted those articles as created by the founder(s).
14. the terminology used in these articles of organization and members agreements is used solely for clarification of the various usages for private member agreements under universal contract law by and between free, spiritually free men and women, creations of nature and natures Yəhōwā, whose lives and rights derive from Yəhōwā almighty and unique covenant of the man and/or woman with the creator.
15. any reference within these parchments to the man shall also include the woman and any reference to one people may include many people. this private member agreement shall be construed and interpreted in the private and all decisions or disputes will be final as settled by the founders.
16. i comprehend that the elimination of one item or segment of this agreement does not eliminate the entirety of the agreement, but the agreement will remain as agreed and autographed below
divine trust
the founder(s), members and associate members of the new haelth conscious private members agreement view this private members agreement as a divine trust from Yəhōwā. all things biblical are a trust. we recognize Yəhōwā as the executor/grantor of this private members agreement that we have been entrusted. we recognize that we, as founder(s) are the trustees of that which Yəhōwā has granted to us. we recognize all members of our private members agreement as the beneficiaries of what Yəhōwā has entrusted us with. although this private members agreement is not recorded, created, or structured as a trust; it is that which Yəhōwā has divinely entrusted us with that we desire to be the best stewards possible. we recognize this stewardship not only is for the tangibles gifts that Yəhōwā has entrusted us, but also includes those talents and gifts that he has divinely entrusted to us men and women created in his image and now calls us to serve one another with those same talents and gifts in the private as Yəhōwā designed us to live as free people. it is in accordance with this heart and our articles of agreement that we established the new haelth conscious pma a private members agreement and by placing your autograph below, the following member(s) do(es) hereby agree for the purposes and aims stated herein and hereby affix their hands and seals in witness whereof, on the date of the autographs below and do jointly agree to this parchment and all expressed on this parchment that we hereby place our seals below.
new member seal date
board member seal date
board member seal Date
Copyright © 2024 Haelth Conscious Life- All Rights Reserved. None of this information is a substitute for medical advice and is not meant to diagnose treat cure or prescribe for any health or medical condition.
Haelth Conscious Life
Copyright © 2020 Haelth Conscious Life- All Rights Reserved. None of this information is a substitute for medical advice and is not meant to diagnose treat cure or prescribe for any health or medical condition.
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